Header 2 Module

This is a header-2 module

Header 3 Module

This is a header-3 module




a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } \ | ; : '' "" / ? . , > <~

EntityDecimalEntity DisplayDecimal DisplayDesc
&excl;&#33;!!exclamation mark
&quot;&#34;""""quotation mark
&num;&#35;##number sign
&dollar;&#36;$$dollar sign
&percnt;&#37;%%percent sign
&lpar;&#40;((left parenthesis
&rpar;&#41;))right parenthesis
&plus;&#43;++plus sign
&sol;&#47;//forward slash (solidus)
&lt;&#60;<<less-than sign
&equals;&#61;==equals sign
&gt;&#62;>>greater-than sign
&quest;&#63;??question mark
&commat;&#64;@@commercial at
&lbrack;&#91;[[left square bracket (also lsqb)
&bsol;&#92;\\backslash (reverse solidus)
&rbrack;&#93;]]right square bracket (also rsqb)
&lowbar;&#95;__low line
&lbrace;&#123;{{left curly bracket (also lcub)
&vert;&#124;||vertical bar (also verbar)
&rbrace;&#125;}}right curly bracket (also rcub)
&nbsp;&#160;  non-breaking space
&iexcl;&#161;¡¡inverted exclamation mark
&cent;&#162;¢¢cent sign
&pound;&#163;££pound sign
&curren;&#164;¤¤currency sign
&yen;&#165;¥¥yen sign
&brvbar;&#166;¦¦broken bar
&sect;&#167;§§section sign
&copy;&#169;©©copyright sign
&ordf;&#170;ªªfeminine ordinal indicator
&laquo;&#171;««left-pointing double angle quotation mark
&not;&#172;¬¬not sign
&shy;&#173;­­soft hyphen
&reg;&#174;®®registered sign
&deg;&#176;°°degree sign
&plusmn;&#177;±±plus-minus sign
&sup2;&#178;²²superscript two
&sup3;&#179;³³superscript three
&acute;&#180;´´acute accent
&micro;&#181;µµmicro sign
&para;&#182;pilcrow sign
&middot;&#183;··middle dot
&sup1;&#185;¹¹superscript one
&ordm;&#186;ººmasculine ordinal indicator
&raquo;&#187;»»right-pointing double angle quotation mark
&frac14;&#188;¼¼vulgar fraction one quarter
&frac12;&#189;½½vulgar fraction one half
&frac34;&#190;¾¾vulgar fraction three quarters
&iquest;&#191;¿¿inverted question mark
&Agrave;&#192;ÀÀlatin capital letter A with grave
&Aacute;&#193;ÁÁlatin capital letter A with acute
&Acirc;&#194;ÂÂlatin capital letter A with circumflex
&Atilde;&#195;ÃÃlatin capital letter A with tilde
&Auml;&#196;ÄÄlatin capital letter A with diaeresis
&Aring;&#197;ÅÅlatin capital letter A with ring above
&AElig;&#198;ÆÆlatin capital letter AE
&Ccedil;&#199;ÇÇlatin capital letter C with cedilla
&Egrave;&#200;ÈÈlatin capital letter E with grave
&Eacute;&#201;ÉÉlatin capital letter E with acute
&Ecirc;&#202;ÊÊlatin capital letter E with circumflex
&Euml;&#203;ËËlatin capital letter E with diaeresis
&Igrave;&#204;ÌÌlatin capital letter I with grave
&Iacute;&#205;ÍÍlatin capital letter I with acute
&Icirc;&#206;ÎÎlatin capital letter I with circumflex
&Iuml;&#207;ÏÏlatin capital letter I with diaeresis
&ETH;&#208;ÐÐlatin capital letter ETH
&Ntilde;&#209;ÑÑlatin capital letter N with tilde
&Ograve;&#210;ÒÒlatin capital letter O with grave
&Oacute;&#211;ÓÓlatin capital letter O with acute
&Ocirc;&#212;ÔÔlatin capital letter O with circumflex
&Otilde;&#213;ÕÕlatin capital letter O with tilde
&Ouml;&#214;ÖÖlatin capital letter O with diaeresis
&times;&#215;××multiplication sign
&Oslash;&#216;ØØlatin capital letter O with stroke
&Ugrave;&#217;ÙÙlatin capital letter U with grave
&Uacute;&#218;ÚÚlatin capital letter U with acute
&Ucirc;&#219;ÛÛlatin capital letter U with circumflex
&Uuml;&#220;ÜÜlatin capital letter U with diaeresis
&Yacute;&#221;ÝÝlatin capital letter Y with acute
&THORN;&#222;ÞÞlatin capital letter THORN
&szlig;&#223;ßßlatin small letter sharp s
&agrave;&#224;ààlatin small letter a with grave
&aacute;&#225;áálatin small letter a with acute
&acirc;&#226;ââlatin small letter a with circumflex
&atilde;&#227;ããlatin small letter a with tilde
&auml;&#228;äälatin small letter a with diaeresis
&aring;&#229;åålatin small letter a with ring above
&aelig;&#230;æælatin small letter ae
&ccedil;&#231;ççlatin small letter c with cedilla
&egrave;&#232;èèlatin small letter e with grave
&eacute;&#233;éélatin small letter e with acute
&ecirc;&#234;êêlatin small letter e with circumflex
&euml;&#235;ëëlatin small letter e with diaeresis
&igrave;&#236;ììlatin small letter i with grave
&iacute;&#237;íílatin small letter i with acute
&icirc;&#238;îîlatin small letter i with circumflex
&iuml;&#239;ïïlatin small letter i with diaeresis
&eth;&#240;ððlatin small letter eth
&ntilde;&#241;ññlatin small letter n with tilde
&ograve;&#242;òòlatin small letter o with grave
&oacute;&#243;óólatin small letter o with acute
&ocirc;&#244;ôôlatin small letter o with circumflex
&otilde;&#245;õõlatin small letter o with tilde
&ouml;&#246;öölatin small letter o with diaeresis
&divide;&#247;÷÷division sign
&oslash;&#248;øølatin small letter o with stroke
&ugrave;&#249;ùùlatin small letter u with grave
&uacute;&#250;úúlatin small letter u with acute
&ucirc;&#251;ûûlatin small letter u with circumflex
&uuml;&#252;üülatin small letter u with diaeresis
&yacute;&#253;ýýlatin small letter y with acute
&thorn;&#254;þþlatin small letter thorn
&yuml;&#255;ÿÿlatin small letter y with diaeresis
&OElig;&#338;ŒŒlatin capital ligature OE
&oelig;&#339;œœlatin small ligature oe
&Scaron;&#352;ŠŠlatin capital letter S with caron
&scaron;&#353;ššlatin small letter s with caron
&Yuml;&#376;ŸŸlatin capital letter Y with diaeresis
&fnof;&#402;ƒƒlatin small f with hook
&circ;&#710;ˆˆmodifier letter circumflex accent
&tilde;&#732;˜˜small tilde
&dblac;&#733;??double acute accent
&DownBreve;&#785;??combining inverted breve
&UnderBar;&#818;__combining low line
&Alpha;&#913;ΑΑgreek capital letter alpha
&Beta;&#914;ΒΒgreek capital letter beta
&Gamma;&#915;ΓΓgreek capital letter gamma
&Delta;&#916;ΔΔgreek capital letter delta
&Epsilon;&#917;ΕΕgreek capital letter epsilon
&Zeta;&#918;ΖΖgreek capital letter zeta
&Eta;&#919;ΗΗgreek capital letter eta
&Theta;&#920;ΘΘgreek capital letter theta
&Iota;&#921;ΙΙgreek capital letter iota
&Kappa;&#922;ΚΚgreek capital letter kappa
&Lambda;&#923;ΛΛgreek capital letter lambda
&Mu;&#924;ΜΜgreek capital letter mu
&Nu;&#925;ΝΝgreek capital letter nu
&Xi;&#926;ΞΞgreek capital letter xi
&Omicron;&#927;ΟΟgreek capital letter omicron
&Pi;&#928;ΠΠgreek capital letter pi
&Rho;&#929;ΡΡgreek capital letter rho
&Sigma;&#931;ΣΣgreek capital letter sigma
&Tau;&#932;ΤΤgreek capital letter tau
&Upsilon;&#933;ΥΥgreek capital letter upsilon
&Phi;&#934;ΦΦgreek capital letter phi
&Chi;&#935;ΧΧgreek capital letter chi
&Psi;&#936;ΨΨgreek capital letter psi
&Omega;&#937;ΩΩgreek capital letter omega
&alpha;&#945;ααgreek small letter alpha
&beta;&#946;ββgreek small letter beta
&gamma;&#947;γγgreek small letter gamma
&delta;&#948;δδgreek small letter delta
&epsilon;&#949;εεgreek small letter epsilon
&zeta;&#950;ζζgreek small letter zeta
&eta;&#951;ηηgreek small letter eta
&theta;&#952;θθgreek small letter theta
&iota;&#953;ιιgreek small letter iota
&kappa;&#954;κκgreek small letter kappa
&lambda;&#955;λλgreek small letter lambda
&mu;&#956;μμgreek small letter mu
&nu;&#957;ννgreek small letter nu
&xi;&#958;ξξgreek small letter xi
&omicron;&#959;οοgreek small letter omicron
&pi;&#960;ππgreek small letter pi
&rho;&#961;ρρgreek small letter rho
&sigmaf;&#962;ςςgreek small letter final sigma
&sigma;&#963;σσgreek small letter sigma
&tau;&#964;ττgreek small letter tau
&upsilon;&#965;υυgreek small letter upsilon
&phi;&#966;φφgreek small letter phi
&chi;&#967;χχgreek small letter chi
&psi;&#968;ψψgreek small letter psi
&omega;&#969;ωωgreek small letter omega
&thetasym;&#977;ϑϑgreek small letter theta symbol
&upsih;&#978;ϒϒgreek upsilon with hook symbol
&straightphi;&#981;??greek phi symbol
&piv;&#982;ϖϖgreek pi symbol
&hellip;&#8230;horizontal ellipsis
&Prime;&#8243;double prime
&frasl;&#8260;fraction slash
&weierp;&#8472;script capital P
&image;&#8465;blackletter capital I
&real;&#8476;blackletter capital R
&trade;&#8482;trade mark sign
&alefsym;&#8501;alef symbol
&larr;&#8592;leftwards arrow
&uarr;&#8593;upwards arrow
&rarr;&#8594;rightwards arrow
&darr;&#8595;downwards arrow
&harr;&#8596;left right arrow
&varr;&#8597;??up down arrow (also updownarrow, UpDownArrow)
&nwarr;&#8598;??north west arrow (also UpperLeftArrow)
&nearr;&#8599;??north east arrow (also UpperRightArrow)
&searr;&#8600;??south east arrow (also LowerRightArrow)
&swarr;&#8601;??south west arrow(also LowerLeftArrow)
&nlarr;&#8602;??leftwards arrow with stroke (also nleftarrow)
&nrarr;&#8603;??rightwards arrow with stroke (also nrightarrow)
&rarrw;&#8605;??rightwards wave arrow (also rightsquigarrow)
&crarr;&#8629;downwards arrow with corner leftwards
&lArr;&#8656;leftwards double arrow
&uArr;&#8657;upwards double arrow
&rArr;&#8658;rightwards double arrow
&dArr;&#8659;downwards double arrow
&hArr;&#8660;left right double arrow
&forall;&#8704;for all
&part;&#8706;partial differential
&exist;&#8707;there exists
&empty;&#8709;empty set
&isin;&#8712;element of
&notin;&#8713;not an element of
&ni;&#8715;contains as member
&prod;&#8719;n-ary product
&sum;&#8721;n-ary sumation
&minus;&#8722;minus sign
&lowast;&#8727;asterisk operator
&radic;&#8730;square root
&prop;&#8733;proportional to
&and;&#8743;logical and
&or;&#8744;logical or
&sim;&#8764;tilde operator
&cong;&#8773;approximately equal to
&asymp;&#8776;almost equal to
&ne;&#8800;not equal to
&equiv;&#8801;identical to
&le;&#8804;less-than or equal to
&ge;&#8805;greater-than or equal to
&sub;&#8834;subset of
&sup;&#8835;superset of
&nsub;&#8836;not a subset of
&sube;&#8838;subset of or equal to
&supe;&#8839;superset of or equal to
&oplus;&#8853;circled plus
&otimes;&#8855;circled times
&perp;&#8869;up tack
&sdot;&#8901;dot operator
&lceil;&#8968;left ceiling
&rceil;&#8969;right ceiling
&lfloor;&#8970;left floor
&rfloor;&#8971;right floor
&lang;&#9001;left-pointing angle bracket
&rang;&#9002;right-pointing angle bracket
&spades;&#9824;black spade suit
&clubs;&#9827;black club suit
&hearts;&#9829;black heart suit
&diams;&#9830;black diamond suit
&ensp;&#8194;en space
&emsp;&#8195;em space
&thinsp;&#8201;thin space
&zwnj;&#8204;zero width non-joiner
&zwj;&#8205;zero width joiner
&lrm;&#8206;left-to-right mark
&rlm;&#8207;right-to-left mark
&ndash;&#8211;en dash
&mdash;&#8212;em dash
&horbar;&#8213;??horizontal bar
&Verbar;&#8214;??double vertical line (also Vert)
&lsquo;&#8216;left single quotation mark
&rsquo;&#8217;right single quotation mark
&sbquo;&#8218;single low-9 quotation mark
&ldquo;&#8220;left double quotation mark
&rdquo;&#8221;right double quotation mark
&bdquo;&#8222;double low-9 quotation mark
&Dagger;&#8225;double dagger
&bullet;&#8226;bullet (also bull)
&hellip;&#8230;horizontal ellipsis
&permil;&#8240;per mille sign
&pertenk;&#8241;??per ten thousand sign
&Prime;&#8243;double prime
&tprime;&#8244;??triple prime
&bprime;&#8245;``reversed prime
&lsaquo;&#8249;single left-pointing angle quotation mark
&rsaquo;&#8250;single right-pointing angle quotation mark
&caret;&#8257;??caret insertion point
&hybull;&#8259;??hyphen bullet
&frasl;&#8260;fraction slash
&euro;&#8364;euro sign
&incare;&#8453;??care of
&numero;&#8470;??numero sign
&copysr;&#8471;??sound recording copyright
&frac13;&#8531;??vulgar fraction one third
&frac23;&#8532;??vulgar fraction two thirds
&frac15;&#8533;??vulgar fraction one fifth
&frac25;&#8534;??vulgar fraction two fifths
&frac35;&#8535;??vulgar fractlion three fifths
&frac45;&#8536;??vulgar fractlion four fifths
&frac16;&#8537;??vulgar fraction one sixth
&frac56;&#8538;??vulgar fraction five sixths
&frac18;&#8539;??vulgar fraction one eighth
&frac38;&#8540;??vulgar fraction three eighths
&frac58;&#8541;??vulgar fraction five eighths
&frac78;&#8542;??vulgar fraction seven eighths